I create visual graphic design to help Academics and Higher Education Professionals effectively and efficiently communicate their message. Whether your Research Center has an event or conference that needs marketing materials, social media accounts that you don't have time for, or you have a PowerPoint presentation that isn't visually on point, I'm here to help you communicate your message clearly and quickly.
I have also been working as a commisioned artist for over 37 years and travelling and living around the world for the same amount of time. My lifelong experience as an artist and my 32 years as a graphic designer is reflected in my ability to translate the written language into artistic representations that speak visually to my client's audience, clearly conveying an intended message, whether it's a culture, a brand, experience or story.
Most days you can find me working behind my laptop in various cafes around KAUST. When I'm not busy designing, you can catch me chasing storms for the best powder to ski on, cycling outdoors, or wandering around town indulging in minimal photography, painting watercolors, or playing the uke on my front door step.
Art and design has always been a part of my life, and I'm passionate about sharing my skills as a creative to elevate communication and connection.
To learn more, please head over to my portfolio page or contact me so we can chat about your next project.